A brain-based account of responsibility

Talk given for the Oxford University Philosophy Society, at Corpus Christi College on Nov. 14, 2018.

Christ Church, Oxford

Psychopathy: It’s complicated

This is an interview with WHYY public radio in Philadelphia. It aired March 28, 2013.

Sphere, by Raymond Jonson

The psychopaths among us

This podcast interview with Amee Quiriconi was posted on Oct. 27th, 2019.

Grounding responsibility in something (more) solid

(2018) William Hirstein and Katrina Sifferd, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41 (March): 27-29. pdf

This is a response to a Behavioral and Brain Sciences target article, “Precis of Talking to Ourselves, Reflection, Ignorance, and Agency,” by John Doris.

The Boxer of Quirinal, Hellenistic Greece

Nicholas Vontos’ review of Responsible Brains

Review in Psychosomatics, Vol. 60, issue 5, copyright Elsevier.

Quarai Mission, Salinas National Monument

Responsible Brains: Neuroscience, Law, and Human Culpability

This book, co-written with my colleagues Katrina Sifferd and Tyler Fagan, was published on Dec. 4, 2018.

Excerpt from Philpapers.org

MIT Press page

Amazon page